Views: 79 Author: Sharon Publish Time: 2022-09-29 Origin: guangbo
Most handbags come with a dust bag when you buy them at a boutique. All the more so if it’s from a luxury brand like Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Chanel etc. It would be smart to use them whenever you don’t use the handbag.
Why is it so important to use these dust bags and why they provide them in the first place? Following are 3 good reasons
Reason #1
Dust bag acts as a second skin to your luxury item. It shields it from dust, dirt and even insects that find their way into your bag storage compartments. Keeping them inside also preserves a bag’s luster. I’ve done this a lot so you can trust me on this.
Reason #2
There are certain handbags made of glossy skin that tend to stick to shiny surfaces right? They are very prone to chaffing because most people would just pull it unthinkably. If it’s stuck with another bag, you will have to deal with two ruined exteriors. A dust bag separates each one and prevents an type of damage through contact.
Reason #3
When you’re looking for a specific bag in a hurry and you have to go through all the bags in storage without really thinking about your actions? Situations like these usually put scratches and drag marks on the skin which ruins the face of your bags. After all, handbags and purses come in many designs and there are those with hard buckles and sharp embellishments. If they rub with ones made of soft leather, you can guess how it’s going to be.